Looking For Art: The Right Frame of Mind
Watch out - this is going to get saucy.
I swear, Art is in the air. Everyone seems to be focused on finding art for their walls. Perhaps it’s spring and the anticipation of summer art fairs that has us inspired, but I think it’s something else. I believe we’re seeking something beyond the ordinary, something greater than the sum of its parts. That’s exactly what art is. We need a break from winter and conflict. We’ve had enough pandemic and grumpiness and earthly toil. Spring has us looking for something to feed souls. Everyone’s looking for art! There are many questions that come along with the hunt:
Where are you going to find the art you’re looking for? How will you know you’ve found the right thing? What’s it going to cost?
Finding art for your home is not unlike looking for love. It may tap you on the shoulder when you least expect it (If so, grab it!). When you absolutely need to find love, or find art, it seems that’s when the going gets tough.
I’d love to share with you my seven rules for getting into the right mindset to help you find that perfect piece for your home. The point is not to approach art as decor (but wait, isn’t that the role of art in a well designed home?) and whether it has the right colors to match the sofa (what?). That can lead you in the wrong direction. Instead…
1. Be open. If anything, that’s what art asks of us.
2. Trust your gut. If you like something, buy it. You don’t have to explain why.
3. Be curious about art -just as you might be curious about a person.
4. Buy art because it makes you think or see something in a new way.
5. Buy art because it reminds you of a person or place or memory.
6. Buy art because it makes you laugh or moves you.
7. Buy art that you like so much you would take it with you to a different home, not only because it matches the sofa.
To be sure, art doesn’t have to be about the name or pedigree of the artist -an investment piece per se. The most important thing is that it strikes a connection with you -not how much it costs or who created it. Without that personal connection, even the most prestigious art can become clutter.
Art can play a foundational role in creating your home. Art has function beyond decor.
I’m curious to know: How does art affect you? Does it take you elsewhere? Evoke memories or sensations? Simply make you smile?
Integrating art into your home and leveraging it’s power is essential to good design. A client’s self-chosen art tells me, as a designer, so much about a homeowner and what resonates with their souls. It makes the perfect foundation for creating style, and facilitates selecting colors and materials. The most exciting projects actually begin with a piece of art.
Always be looking for art. Don’t be afraid to like something. Rediscover what you might already have. Curate, protect, reframe, rearrange, install. Don’t let art be an after thought or just something to fill up a wall. Leverage its power to enrich your life and bring you joy.
I’m thrilled to see this springtime thirst for Art emerge! Helping clients integrate art into their home is a foundation of Artistry Interior Design.
If you’re interested in enhancing your life and home with more art, click HERE to schedule your free discovery call. I look forward to hearing from you!