The Ultimate Value in Furnishing and Décor
Furnishing your home is a monumental task, especially if you’re doing it all at once. But even a singular room can be a challenge. How can we avoid making expensive mistakes? Where to begin?!
Last month's blog presented the good-better-best guide to help you figure out how much you’re likely to spend on furnishing and decorating your home. But cost is only part of the puzzle. What you really want is VALUE.
Within any furniture purchase, design, or decorating decision you make lies the potential for getting a meaningful return on your investment. A sofa gives you a place to sit, it fills a room. Of course, you expect more than that when you purchase a sofa. You expect it to add style, interest and color to your home as well. What if I told you a sofa can do even more than that? The right sofa In the context of a well-designed room can actually make your heart sing!
Make your heart sing? Really? Isn’t that getting a bit fluffy and aspirational to start talking about a sofa that sprouts angel wings and makes your heart sing?
Isn’t that the kind of investment we’re all looking to make though? An investment in “something more” that creates Home? The question then is: How do you go shopping for that? How do you put a price on it?
The value of the investment you make to design, furnish and decorate your home is hard to quantify. The benefits are vast, even profound, regardless of the cost or size of a project. A home provides safety and protection for sure, but also ease and efficiency to support daily life. A room should have something to sit on, yes, but also create an environment conducive to health and relaxation. Subconsciously we expect these kinds of returns from investments in furnishings and décor. We want our investment to make our hearts sing, not just fill up the space.
Holistic Design
Holistic design is key to getting the highest return on any investment you make in furnishing and decorating your home. Holistic design is independent of market trends and fashion, and its process doesn’t lead with price or budget. Instead, it begins with a deep dive into three main areas to create a deep understanding of the homeowner. This is what guides the design process and ultimately the investments you’ll make.
Holistic design always begins with function. Simply put, how does a homeowner function within their home? Functional design supports the needs and routines of daily living. It creates a convenient place to unload the groceries when you come in the back door. An efficient way to do laundry. A setting to relax and watch movies with your kids and then get your launch pad ready for tomorrow. Functional design considers efficiency and ease in every respect to reduce stress and expand the time available for other activities.
To follow function, holistic design then addresses comfort. Holistic design always explores the homeowner’s individual terms of comfort. We’re all built and wired differently. A big, pillowy sofa that’s like heaven to one person can be a back ache to another. A fabric that is rich and inviting to one person, can seem itchy and uncomfortable to another. Even colors and patterns affect us in different ways. By understanding individual needs and preferences in a deeper way, holistic design creates the highest degree of physical and neuro-aesthetic comfort.
And last, holistic design creates style that reflects the homeowner. To create a timeless aesthetic, it doesn’t rely on trends or fashion. Instead, design becomes a portrait of the homeowner’s life and experiences, dreams and desires. The aesthetics become a personal narrative, and the homeowners see their best selves expressed through the design of their home.
A holistic approach to design creates the deepest satisfaction and highest return on any investment in home furnishings and décor. This process establishes the best foundation for making design decisions, which makes it easier to know what to buy and how much to spend. Holistic design dives deep beyond the surface to unlock the potential of your home. It helps you understand the true value of your investment and creates a timeless design that you will love for years to come.
The Artistry approach has always been rooted in holistic design. If you’re looking for an expert to guide you through the process of holistic design, schedule your free discovery call today!