Schooled In Beauty

The art and Science of Holistic Interior Design

I grew up in a household that schooled me in Beauty. This was mostly my mother’s domain, she pointed to things that were beautiful all the time. Her observations and responses created these gripping moments inspired by the simplest things - the full moon, a color, a face, a flower. These frequent encounters with Beauty were like a faucet dripping joy into my everyday life.

Unconsciously, I embraced my mother’s practice of appreciating beauty. It was simply rewarding - Beauty moments made endorphins flow! Just noticing the morning sunlight sculpt a vase on the kitchen table was an easy source of joy. Marveling at how a steam iron flattened wiggly linen wrinkles was like a magic show. Seeing the dear little faces in pansies made me smile.

While I understood beautiful things often cost a lot of money, beauty itself didn’t have to be bought. You could make it yourself from scratch, embed it in playdough, paint, pencil and fabrics. Beauty extended far beyond the visual world too. You could find beauty in music and movement, and in the way the air smelled after a rain. You could simply go outside for a walk, and even experience beauty in bad weather.

I’m lucky to have begun my study of beauty as a young child. I learned that beauty is not an elective -it’s essential, and not just the frosting on the cake of life. We actually need what beauty creates in us. We can’t thrive without it.

So what is it about beauty that’s so powerful?

This question is getting a lot of attention from the scientific community these days. Medical research is unveiling the profound impact beauty has on health. Studies now show that exposure to beauty can lower cortisol levels and expedite recovery.

Neuroscientists are asking “What happens in our brains when we’re exposed to beauty?” and “Why and how do certain colors, shapes, and sounds trigger the release of endorphins, oxytocin, cortisol, and other brain chemicals?”

Architects and designers are collaborating with scientists to explore how the built environment affects our health and well-being. Asking “How can colors, materials, lighting, the shape of space and ceiling heights affect behavior?” and “How can we leverage a deeper, more scientific understanding of beauty to build a healthier, more full-filling life?”

I’m fascinated by all these questions and the scientific research around them, but most powerful thing I’ve learned about Beauty is still this:

Beauty is humbling and transcendent. It exists despite, or perhaps because of all the ugly and awful parts of life. It can be accessed and bathed in through the simplest of experiences. Beauty can reassure you that all will be well, and its mysteriousness always makes sense.

Throughout my childhood, I was fortunate enough to be immersed in a world where beauty played a pivotal role. I learned to seek out beauty, recognize its presence and cultivate it even during hard times. I fully trust myself to be able to experience Beauty and share it with others. This was the most important part of my design education and the very reason I’ve made it my life’s work.

Through Artistry Interior Design, I help clients create and experience Beauty within their own homes. My holistic approach is untethered to trends, or even the taste of the designer. Combining science and art to understand a client’s unique story, we create a neuroaesthetic foundation for design. All design solutions and creativity stem from this foundation, resulting in authentic, nurturing beauty that is truly expressive of each client.

Work with me to create an environment that aligns with your personal comfort, functionality, and innate sense of Beauty. Embrace the power of holistic design through Artistry and experience the profound impact it can have on your well-being and quality of life. Schedule your free Discovery Call below to get started!



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